Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety disorders can be debilitating. They drain motivation and energy while at the same time increase fears about all aspects of your life. Though experiencing depression is very different than battling anxiety, often the treatment approach is similar. It is about identifying and understanding the triggers for the symptoms and learning new ways to manage those triggers when they surface.

What is depression?

Depression causes one to feel depleted of energy, motivation and self-assurance. It affects sleep patterns and appetite; basic functions we need to survive. If there seems to be a genetic or biological component to the depression, a consultation with a psychiatrist may be recommended. To address the emotional component, it is important to discover the negative messages that you send to yourself.  It colors your view of yourself, your relationships and the world. Once you have a better understanding of what triggers your depression and causes it to snowball, you can work on new ways to manage those triggers.   Each new positive experience is an opportunity on which to build. Because isolation is often an integral part of depression, the connection and support of the therapeutic experience can also help lift you out of the sadness.

What is anxiety?

The symptoms of anxiety can manifest in many ways including obsessive thoughts, compulsive actions, and an inability to concentrate and focus on daily responsibilities. It interferes with relationships to the extent that the anxiety becomes all-consuming, preventing you from evaluating interactions objectively and being present. Oftentimes everything feels personal. We would work together to understand the root of the fears and at the same time explore new ways to manage the anxiety.